Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Plus and Minuses

A year later I have lost 95 pounds and have experienced things I never thought I would. A quick summary of the past years joys and pains associated with loosing weight

Precious Moments

1. When the scale was under 200 pounds

2. Putting on my goal pants to see how much further I had to go and being able to button them.

3. Being able to wrestle and play with my nephew without getting tired or worn out.

4. Completing my first spinning class all the way though

5. When running 3 miles in a day was a easy work out day

6. When the scale hit under 150 pounds

7. Discovering I have hip bones and they hurt when your elbow bumps into them

8. Sitting on my porch and being able to rest my head on my knees

9. Driving in the car and being able to drive with one foot on the seat

10. Hugs.... having someone put their arms around me in order to give me a real hug, where their arms could reach all the way around me.

11. Being referred to from doctors as " a person very physically fit"

12. Walking in the mall and catching men checking me out

13. Fitting into a size 4 from a size 18/20

14. Watching others all the sudden start working on getting healthier themselves

15. Realizing that I did not take the easy way out, that no I could not have been successful without my surgery but also realizing it could not have been successful without me.

16. Trying on bathing suits for over 2 hours, this time not to find something that looked decent enough to hide in, instead this time was just to see all the options I had of ones I did look good in.

17. Going to my parents open house and having all the women who I have grown up around make me feel as thought I was on a makeover show, taking pictures, getting hugs and tears and just seeing them so proud of me.

18. Seeing the look in my moms eyes and smirk when she saw me making progress on this road or how proud she was when she heard others comment on how well I was doing.

19. People not having to move their chairs in so that I can get past them in tight quarters

20. Knowing that my life will be years and years longer, happier and more active

21. Walking taller, wearing clothes that fit instead of clothes that hide

Seeing the other side....

1. Realizing I had no idea how to be me in this body that I have never had before

2. Having to change my sense of humor from the chunky girl humor to... I have not figured this one out all the way yet.

3. Being the one who has to do the rejecting when it comes to dating instead of being the one always rejected.

4. Working out a million times more but having half the strength since I cannot use my weight as a lever.

5. Having the first thing that other see about me be my body instead of who I am, my personality

6. Not being able to talk to people about weight struggles without having them reply "shut up you have no room to speak" when really I just need to talk about this struggle that will be life long.

7. Not being able to sit for long time periods before my rump hurts.

8. Gaining a few pounds and being scared to death that I will go back to where I was before and be a complete failure.

9. Realizing that life is not about looks, it is about being ourselves and trying to figure out how to be me in a world that is completely unknown to me.

10. Changing my flirty fun free personality that no one ever took as flirty to having to be cautious all the time of how my actions and words are taken by both males and females.

11. Realizing I have a lot of things in my life to get straight and all my issues in life were not because I was overweight.

12. Feeling bad that my whole blog so far has been focused on weight which i know is not who I am but these are the experiences over the past year I have dealt with and want to share.


Teresa said...

Very interesting observations. You are in a growing phase. Don't worry, everything will work out the way it should.


Angela said...

I want to tell you how proud I am of you! You look fantastic...and you feel even better! You amaze me...thanks for the inspiratioN! I am now working on getting into good shape. I would love any secrets you may have! Love you, girl!!!