Saturday, May 24, 2008

Relief Days

Every once in a while we all have those days that I think are a way of Heavenly Father just giving us a whole day of peace and happiness. You know, one of those days where the sun is shining and it seems to get to the core of your spirit and just gives you a relief from the every day stresses we each have.
This morning I had my first group run for the triathlon. Ever since I started gaining weight when I was young I have been scared of playing sports or exercising in front of anyone. I have never been running with people around before and still carry that feeling from before I lost the weight. Well I had convinced myself, which was not hard, that I was not going to go to the run trainings until I got better on my own, I didn't want to be the last one and to look completely out of shape compared to everyone else. I have been doubting my abilities over the past few days and have even wondered if doing a triathlon is right for me. Well I decided that if I did not go today I would continue to have excuses. So I did it and LOVED IT! I ran in the level 1 group which is the easiest of the 3 groups but I did come in first in the group. I didn't care what I came in just as long as it was not last! I chatted with another team member the whole run and it really went by fast for me. Then off to work where I was able to spend some time with the ladies I work with in Baltimore, then when we came home I wheeled one of the ladies who I have a great connection with, outside in her wheelchair. She sat in her wheel chair listening to my mp3 while I sat next to her reading a church book. She reached out her hand for me to hold it and we sat in the nice weather not talking but just enjoying the beautiful day Heavenly Father had given us and enjoying what could be one of our last times together, due to her health. Thanks Heavenly Father for today and I cant wait for the next one!

Monday, May 19, 2008


WEll both my sisters are moving away in a few days. It hit me the other night while having dinner with my family and my sister said... "is this the last time we will see you?" I didnt put it together that they were really leaving. I had no idea when I moved back here almost 4 years ago to be close to them then time would fly so fast and then they would both move away at the same time, and take my nephews and niece with them. Life is about change and learning and I wish them the best and know that they are both doing what Heavenly Father wants them to. I know they would not make a big decision like this if they did not know God's will for them and their families. I dont tell my family much how much I care about them, I dont really tell people in general. I try to show them, but words are harder for me. I will just say that I don't cry very often at all but anytime I think about saying goodbye to them or think about not being able to drop by to see my nephews on a sunday afternoon I have to fight back the tears. I know they will benifit from this move and I know they will all get what they need out of it. I feel sad for my parents whose lives are those boys and I dont know what to do to help fill that void for them, yet I know it is my responsibility and desire to do that for them. I dont have children to offer them, In fact I dont know what I have to offer them but I hope that whatever it is Heavenly Father will lead me in the right direction to figure it out.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Wow I dont know what I have gotten myself into but I am in it and going to do it. I have always wanted to do a triathalon and now is the time to prove to myself I can while also earning some money to help a good cause. Check out my triathalon webpage.