Monday, June 23, 2008


I am so excitted today. This weekend I went and got my buisness license for my new company named " Time Makers" it is a service company for working families which helps them with every day errands. This will help make the time they do have with their children quality time. I hired my first employee today and we start on wenesday. The first thing I am doing is going into schools and offering hair cuts to the children while they are at school or day care. Then I will go from there. The problem is I need a logo and I am not artistically creative. Any ideas from anyone would be a great help!
On another note I should prob. tell you all that I am dating someone new. We have been dating only a few weeks and who knows where it will go, but I will say... it is fun, we treat each other great and I know he makes me not only want to be better but to actually be better. I cant speak for him but I hope I have the same effect on him. I dont know what it is about tall guys with my family, first Kim with Drew and now me with Cliff who is 6ft 9! We are working on "just being" and anyone who knows me knows that is my new life motto. You know I realize more and more every day... there are hard times in life, but its the hard that makes you great. It makes all the good times even better!


Denise said...

I thought of a service for that the other day. Have someone to drive kids in school home so that their siblings can nap, or have the person say at home while mom picks them up. That would be VERY helpful. By the way, how do you have time in the day to start a new business what with working two jobs, training, and hanging out with your tall guy?

Denise said...

Oh, about the graphic. You must call Jason Jackson, Emily's husband. He did an amazing one for a guy in our ward that started his own business. You can call him at work at 202 726 4017. He works with Mike Keller at their print shop. The website is If you would rather e-mail him, go to the site and click on contact us and then send a message under his name. Tell him you are my sister. He might give you a major discount, or better...

Roger & Sue Hilt said...

Great news! I also have a suggestion, my best friend Sandy's daughter is a graphic designer. If you want something and have any ideas of what you want I am sure I could get her to work something up for you. Let me know. Best wishes with you new tall guy! You know when the right fella comes along you will know!!! The Lord will lead you to him! He did to me and even your great grandfather admitted it late in his life! Love and hugs! Aunt Sue

Anonymous said...

That's great. An amazing idea.
Good luck with much success.
You never let one thing slow you down. Make sure the new guy pays for the dates. I hear Wendys is good.

Kirsi said...


Good to hear from you! I'm so glad you're starting your own business.

Sounds like life is just moving right along. We'll have to catch up!

How exciting!

Love ya!